Feminists and Feminism: An in-depth guide
People are always asking why Feminism is important, don’t women already have rights? What more do we want? When I hear questions like this, like most people, I am stuck between a mental dilemma; do I get angry and leave? Do I argue with the person and try to prove my point? Or do I just keep silent and ignore? If your answer is number one or number three, then chances are you’ve not made much impact in the feminist society, but if you go number two, you're not all that perfect either.
Before I start, I would like to point out that because this is my first blog, I had to pick only one topic. But this is not a solely feminist blog. I will also be discussing on occasion my other passion which is writing; this ranges from writing tips,to book suggestions, freelance writing and how to establish your self as a niched freelancer. I will still discuss how my blog will be managed at the end of this post. Thanks, you can read on.
The world lives by one principle, ‘no one cares who you are inside, its what you do that matters’. So you could be the most talented writer in the world and never publish a single article, and you could have an amazing voice, but never progress outside your room door. The world is full of people constantly suppressing themselves and their thoughts.
The world lives by one principle, ‘no one cares who you are inside, its what you do that matters’. So you could be the most talented writer in the world and never publish a single article, and you could have an amazing voice, but never progress outside your room door. The world is full of people constantly suppressing themselves and their thoughts.
I'll use myself as an example. A few months ago, I was attending a class where feminism and feminists were recurring topics. I had five teachers and only one of them was female. Every day before the lesson ended, an argument would spring up about feminism and why it isn’t important. The males in my class would argue that we were being unreasonable for seeking equality as it would never happen, and a few girls would join this tirade saying things like there's no evidence of gender inequality and that’s just the way things are. The rest of us girls led by our female teacher would be on the opposing side. Each day, I would watch this argument with a sort of wonder; it confused me how people could be in support of their own degradation, and how most of these arguments seemed to end in about of short-lasting anger and laughter. So soon after we've fought and screamed at each other, the equality we claimed that we so much wanted becomes the butt of jokes and we just laugh. So, many ‘feminists’ are like that, raging and boiling on the inside, but when someone does something derogatory, we just smile. Mostly, it's not our fault, we were raised to be subservient, and we only just began to reject that teaching. In fact, so many of us are still under it. But we can't fight patriarchy or misogyny by bowing our heads and laughing. This is a case to be fought head-on, and if someone insults you or calls you a bitch for taking things "seriously", then that person doesn’t respect you or what you represent. This is the twenty-first-century ladies, we have to take the world by storm.
One of the main things that hinders our fight as women is that we think things will get better instantly. Everyone wants fast solutions but the truth is they're not always plausible. And as angry as we are that gender inequality is a thing in the world we live in, we cannot push it to the side easily. What makes it such a serious issue is the fact that it cannot be effortlessly overturned; it may take years of our time and quality hard work, but that doesn’t mean its impossible. Regardless, one thing we as women should learn, and our male counterparts who support the cause is that striving for perfection at the first try is unreasonable, and patience is the key. I say patience, not ignorance because ignoring a wall in front of you won't make it disappear, it just increases your chance of getting hit. If you choose to live a life away from the feminist struggle, which I personally think is impossible, then one day it will hit you so bad, you'll be left in a lot of pain.
I'm not going to list out reasons why we should all be feminists or say that being a feminist makes you a good person because it doesn’t. The fact that I want to treated as an equal doesn't mean I'm the nicest person in the world. I deserve equality not because I am good but because it is right. The same way, not all men are kind, but that doesn’t mean you should deny them the right to vote.
I almost called this why we should all be feminists but I changed it because I didn’t understand why I would have to lecture people to do what is supposed to an unconscious decision.
This blog is targeted towards two sets of people;
1. If you want to discover yourself as a feminist and explore what feminism really means, then this is for you.
2. If you are already a feminist and are looking for a place to express your self, discuss past experiences and influence the world in your own way.
3. Fellow freelancers and freelance writers looking for tips on how to improve in what they do.
4. My all-time favorite; book lovers and readers who just want to lose themselves in a good novel.
5. Writers and authors.
6. Anyone and everyone who feels an interest in the mentioned topics or wants to explore them.
I'm open to suggestions from my readers and would love to engage with you in the comment section. I am completely open to corrections. However, rudeness will not be tolerated. If you need to talk to me privately, my email is at the bottom of the page. I am open every day from eight o'clock in the morning to eight in the evening. Feel free to share stories in the comments.
It would interest you to know that I sat at my laptop for a whole day trying to think of what to write as my first post. I had planned this for weeks but I got to this point and I was stuck because I wanted everything to be perfect. I read so many articles on how to write your first blog post and ways to capture your readers, that by the time I sat down to write, I had confused myself. I put a lot of thought into writing this post because I wanted it to be perfect, but now I realize how silly I was, not for thinking before writing, but my strive for perfection. I was diving into the blogging platform with something similar to a get rich quick scheme which is unreasonable but understandable. I'd read so many blog success stories that my head was full of it. I wanted to be the next big thing, I confess. So I chose this topic because it personifies me, and as a personal blogger, I feel it's important that my audience knows who I am.
The thought of starting a blog came to me as a way to publicize myself as a freelance writer and establish my online presence based on that. Feminism has always been a part of me and I realized that there was no way I could establish myself as a blogger without including that part of myself. This is my first blog. My goal is that in a few months or less when my blog has grown, I will be able to have two separate blogs and write individual content on both of them. Till then, I will be posting on Wednesdays and Saturdays, so subscribe to this blog in order to get notified the minute I update. On Wednesdays, I will focus on Feminism and gender equality, while Saturday is for you book lovers and fellow writers.
If you're here to voice out feminist views like I am, I encourage you, please don’t stop here. Speak out in workplaces, in your schools, wherever you find yourself. The struggle is real. This goes for both women and men. World suicide statistics show that two-thirds of worldwide suicides are by men. This is because our society has been shaped in such a way that so few men feel free to express emotions because of traditional conceptions of masculinity and strength. You have a right to be emotional as much as we have a right to be strong. This is just as much of our fight as it is yours.
Thanks for reading this post. I hope you enjoyed it. Don’t forget to comment, share and subscribe. Thank you.
One of the main things that hinders our fight as women is that we think things will get better instantly. Everyone wants fast solutions but the truth is they're not always plausible. And as angry as we are that gender inequality is a thing in the world we live in, we cannot push it to the side easily. What makes it such a serious issue is the fact that it cannot be effortlessly overturned; it may take years of our time and quality hard work, but that doesn’t mean its impossible. Regardless, one thing we as women should learn, and our male counterparts who support the cause is that striving for perfection at the first try is unreasonable, and patience is the key. I say patience, not ignorance because ignoring a wall in front of you won't make it disappear, it just increases your chance of getting hit. If you choose to live a life away from the feminist struggle, which I personally think is impossible, then one day it will hit you so bad, you'll be left in a lot of pain.
I'm not going to list out reasons why we should all be feminists or say that being a feminist makes you a good person because it doesn’t. The fact that I want to treated as an equal doesn't mean I'm the nicest person in the world. I deserve equality not because I am good but because it is right. The same way, not all men are kind, but that doesn’t mean you should deny them the right to vote.
I almost called this why we should all be feminists but I changed it because I didn’t understand why I would have to lecture people to do what is supposed to an unconscious decision.
This blog is targeted towards two sets of people;
1. If you want to discover yourself as a feminist and explore what feminism really means, then this is for you.
2. If you are already a feminist and are looking for a place to express your self, discuss past experiences and influence the world in your own way.
3. Fellow freelancers and freelance writers looking for tips on how to improve in what they do.
4. My all-time favorite; book lovers and readers who just want to lose themselves in a good novel.
5. Writers and authors.
6. Anyone and everyone who feels an interest in the mentioned topics or wants to explore them.
I'm open to suggestions from my readers and would love to engage with you in the comment section. I am completely open to corrections. However, rudeness will not be tolerated. If you need to talk to me privately, my email is at the bottom of the page. I am open every day from eight o'clock in the morning to eight in the evening. Feel free to share stories in the comments.
It would interest you to know that I sat at my laptop for a whole day trying to think of what to write as my first post. I had planned this for weeks but I got to this point and I was stuck because I wanted everything to be perfect. I read so many articles on how to write your first blog post and ways to capture your readers, that by the time I sat down to write, I had confused myself. I put a lot of thought into writing this post because I wanted it to be perfect, but now I realize how silly I was, not for thinking before writing, but my strive for perfection. I was diving into the blogging platform with something similar to a get rich quick scheme which is unreasonable but understandable. I'd read so many blog success stories that my head was full of it. I wanted to be the next big thing, I confess. So I chose this topic because it personifies me, and as a personal blogger, I feel it's important that my audience knows who I am.
The thought of starting a blog came to me as a way to publicize myself as a freelance writer and establish my online presence based on that. Feminism has always been a part of me and I realized that there was no way I could establish myself as a blogger without including that part of myself. This is my first blog. My goal is that in a few months or less when my blog has grown, I will be able to have two separate blogs and write individual content on both of them. Till then, I will be posting on Wednesdays and Saturdays, so subscribe to this blog in order to get notified the minute I update. On Wednesdays, I will focus on Feminism and gender equality, while Saturday is for you book lovers and fellow writers.
If you're here to voice out feminist views like I am, I encourage you, please don’t stop here. Speak out in workplaces, in your schools, wherever you find yourself. The struggle is real. This goes for both women and men. World suicide statistics show that two-thirds of worldwide suicides are by men. This is because our society has been shaped in such a way that so few men feel free to express emotions because of traditional conceptions of masculinity and strength. You have a right to be emotional as much as we have a right to be strong. This is just as much of our fight as it is yours.
Thanks for reading this post. I hope you enjoyed it. Don’t forget to comment, share and subscribe. Thank you.
Congratulations on your blog . I also think you did a great job on this first post. I loved it�� Welldone ✌️
ReplyDeleteThank you. 🤗I enjoyed this write up and the others. Congrats 🎉 on this first post. It's funny that this is the last one I read. 👍